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In Loving Memory of Karla Goewert
The Importance of Content Marketing for Small Business Owners
eMail Marketing has never been so easy with Pen eMail Marketing Manager, there are no long-term contracts to sign. And you won't be charged setup fees!
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With the Pen eMail Marketing Newsletter Manager, you can manage multiple newsletters and multiple subscriber lists to fine tune your marketing. As an administrator, you can give subscribers the option to change their subscription, sign up for additional newsletters or remove their newsletter subscriptions. You can also give the subscriber the option to forward the newsletter on to a friend. This will help increase your subscriptions and reach a larger audience.
This software has the ability to track views, measure the percentage of users who open and view an email and how many people clicked on a link for each individual newsletter campaign. The software also measures individual subscriber’s views, open rates and clicks. For subscribers who visit a particular link in your newsletter, you can send a follow-up newsletter.
Sometimes our clients ask us to assist in list management, or creative development, or initial template setup. Since every client is different, we're flexible, too. Below is an example of an additional eMail marketing service plan.
eMail Marketing Account Management