We lost a customer yesterday.
One of our clients called yesterday to tell us they were moving their web site hosting to a company that also offers online marketing services. When we told them we provide web graphic design and copywriting, search engine optimization, mobile sites, pay-per-click advertising and social media to a wide
variety of our clients, it was a complete surprise. In fact, the client was disappointed they didn’t know, or they’d have “called us first.”
We hope that never happens again.
So, we’re willing to admit we have room for improvement in marketing our services to our clients. That changes, starting right now.
Most clients have needs that aren’t being met, and realize they need to go outside their company for these services. When that happens, a current vendor can be the optimal solution, for several key reasons:
- You already know them, and trust them.
- They already know your business (so you don’t have to “train” another vendor).
- Consolidating web services gives you efficiency, flexibility, and simply better work.
OK, that’s our spiel. As a 20-year old web company, we can do a lot. (And, if you didn’t know we’re also a web marketing firm, then shame on us.)
Now that you know a little more about us, what else can we do for you?