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From The Desk of Steve Pendergraft, Pen Publishing President
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Pen December Newsletter


From The Desk of Steve Pendergraft, President

When I started Pen Publishing Interactive in 1994, I knew I wanted to use my entrepreneur and business background to build something long-lasting. In our industry, many web companies became overnight sensations only to disappear just as fast as they appeared. We've experienced some ups and downs over the years and we've made it through some tough times.

Our company has grown from a start-up to one with a successful 20-year track record of providing web solutions to our most valuable partners, our customers. Our philosophy has remained unchanged, our customers come first and we want to make sure you have the right products and services for your business.

Thank you for believing in Pen Publishing Interactive and trusting us with your business, we don't take it for granted. We are excited about the future and look forward to working with you.

Merry Christmas and all the best to you!

Pen Publishing Interactive News

As we do every year, we create goals for ourselves with the simple thought of becoming better at everything we do. We take great pride in being able to deliver continuous improvements for our products and services to you. We are proud of what we've accomplished this year and are excited about the plans we have for 2018. Check out some of our highlights for 2017 and a sneak-peek of what we have coming in the first quarter of 2018.

2017 Highlights

  • Upgraded our Microsoft Office365 certification and became a Microsoft CSP Level 1 Provider
  • Released a major update to FlipperSiteDeveloper CMS with the release of version 5.0
  • Welcomed new Executive Marketing Director, Eloy Mendoza
  • Welcomed new Front-End Developer, Jeff Pach
  • Developed a new premium FlipperSiteDeveloper module, SEO Maximizer, that provides guidelines on optimizing web pages on Flipper sites to help with Search Engine Optimization
  • Introduced a new service to help protect and enhance a customer's online presence with our Online Reputation Management services

Upcoming in 2018

  • Launch of new state-of-the-art customer portal in the first quarter
  • Release new FlipperSiteDeveloper feature, Global Image, and Document Library

Introducing Eloy Mendoza, Executive Marketing Director

We're excited to introduce Eloy Mendoza as our new Executive Marketing Director at Pen Publishing Interactive. Eloy graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Communications and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas.

Prior to joining the Pen Publishing Interactive team, he was the Director of Marketing for Southwestern College's Online division. Earlier in his career, he worked in the manufacturing industry for Great Plains Industries, Inc. as their E-Marketing Coordinator.

He brings a lot of experience to the table and will be a great asset to Pen Publishing customers for their marketing strategies, online advertising and anything in-between.

Eloy is the proud father of four little girls and is married to his college sweetheart.

Feel free to drop him a note at eloym@penpublishing.com. Be sure and ask him about how he walked on as the kicker for his college football team.

Eloy Fun Facts

Houston, Texas

Favorite Book:
Too many but Rework by Jason Fried is near the top

Favorite Quote:
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
- St. Catherine of Siena

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